Looking at Four Different Types of EBook Exercise Programs

Although I have reviewed all the programs I mention here, I always strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before starting a new fitness program.High powered muscle building exercise programs: – for body builders, teens looking to develop a better body, men who are in challenging careers (fire, rescue, military, police or professional athletes). Characteristics: Mix of exercises that develop major muscles. Not necessarily heaviest weights. Earlier programs were looking for huge muscles. Newer programs are now geared towards athleticism rather than just bulk. These intense programs can be used alone or paired with a natural food diet.Examples: Bells, Bags and Body Weights, Supersize Your Strength, The Body Bot Fitness Software, Old School New BodyExercise Programs looking to build a lean athletic body: These programs offer the opportunity for you to learn how to sculpt your own body and keep it long term with specific exercises and diet. They are quite intense and demanding. They are especially useful for actors, models and high profile individuals whose careers depend on their appearance.Examples: Visual Impact Muscle Building, Visual Impact for WomenHolistic weight loss programs: These offer more mental exercise along with regular exercise and incidentally may include a natural diet. They use neurolinguistic suggestion and hypnosis. The process tends to be slower but gentler physically.Examples: The Gabriel Method – Total Transformation Online Program, Program Yourself Thin, The Weight Loss Non-Diet ProgramIntense Exercise Programs for Women: These programs work to sculpt and build a lean feminine body. The exercises could be unsuitable for older women or those who are seriously out of shape.Examples: Female Full Body Beatdown, The Ideal Body Blueprint for Women, Visual Impact for Women, Flavia DelMonte’s Full Body LiciousThere are a great number of exercise programs that are specifically paired with diets. They also come in a variety of intensity and methods.For Women: You want a program that is designed for your lighter frame and that matches your body type. Also the diet portion should be keyed to your hormonal makeup. You should not follow a “cookie cutter program”. Men have different diet and exercise requirements from yours. If you’ve tried and failed in the past, that may be a big part of your failure. Never think it was your fault!!You may see an ad for an “ebook” but find it won’t work for you once you’ve bought it. Don’t hesitate to request help and if that doesn’t address your problem, request a refund. Don’t stick with something you feel is not good for you. Your goal is to improve your health and quality of life.For Men: You have many more programs available for you than for women. You need to select the right one for you. Will it match your goals? How intense are the exercises? Just because a program offers both diet and exercise doesn’t mean it’s for wussies. Some of the diets are extreme and that can mess up your metabolism. Extreme exercises can injure you. Look for online reviews that give you frank evaluations. Your goal is to improve your fitness, your health and the quality of your life.Forgive me for repeating: I strongly recommend that, whatever your circumstances, you consult your doctor before starting a new fitness program. This especially applies to any program that is identified as intense. Good luck and good health!

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